We love mountains

My thoughts and experiences cycling, snowboarding and travelling around the world

Snowboarding The High Andes – The Movie

This is the 3rd and final edit from our splitboard ski touring of South America.

In the shadow of Aconcagua, we tour at breathless heights near Los Penitentes in Argentina, we visit some of Chile’s most famous resorts (La Parva, el colorado and Vallee Nevado)  and explore some remote corners in Cajon del Maipo and El Morado Natural Monument. Aconcagua is technically the furthest point from the centre of the earth too (due to bulge near the equator!) it hardly stands out though in the multiple 6000m plus peaks in this area of the Andes. 

The complete 3 edits are all below;

If you have any comments, questions or want some more info please leave a comment.

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