We love mountains

My thoughts and experiences cycling, snowboarding and travelling around the world

Ski touring the Canadian Rocky Mountains

This was spring 2012, we started in Yoho national park, then into Assiniboine Provincial park before heading into Banff and finally up to Jasper. The national parks in winter are stunning. The icefields parkway opens up hundreds of day tours easily accessible from the road. On the longer tours we made use of a number of cosy cabins such as Egypt lake in the picture below and the Hilda Youth hostel on the icefields parkway. In spring we thought we would be safe from bears but the first trip involved us following bear, cougar and wolf prints in the snow. With record breaking snowfall a lot of lower elevation routes were much more accessible these are some pictures below;

One comment on “Ski touring the Canadian Rocky Mountains

  1. Joe Seeber
    June 16, 2013

    Reblogged this on joeseeberblog.

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